Thursday 26 March 2015

Family vs Blood

Throughout life we will meet people who will kick us when we are already down, but what really matters is those who will hold our hand and pick us up once again. Somebody's daughter is about a girl named Sarah who is left abandoned when she is just a few weeks old. Sarah was fortunate enough to be brought to a foster home where she was adopted by an American couple and has been blessed every since. This quote says that family isn't always about blood but it's about the people in your life who wants you in theirs. The quote relates to Sarah's situation because although her American family isn't biologically related to her, they still want Sarah to be a part of their family. Sarah has many differences between her family and herself. For example, Sarah is Korean but her parents are not neglecting her for that. Also, as Sarah grows up, she wants to go on a journey find her real parent and her American parents are supporting her wishes. Sarah has many personal differences and goals that she wants to accomplish. Through the process, Sarah's parents are being very encouraging and supportive every step of the way. I remember a time when I got in trouble for wearing my outdoor shoes into the class. Every one else was ganging up on me except for one girl who stood up for me and told the class that everyone makes mistakes and it's not that big of a deal. So Sarah's situation and what happened to me are very similar because although when we were abandoned or hurt, there was always someone there to accept us and bring us back up to our feet once again even if they were not biologically related. Therefore it is important to recognize those who are there in our lives that accept us, even if they are not biologically related we must tell them that we appreciate all they do for us.   

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